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When most folks think of a Globe Knot, they think of a round Turk's Head, but you can also use it to create a square Turk's Head. At first look this design may look as though it will be complicated to tie, but don't let that persuade you not to attempt it. If you place the pins on the mandrel correctly, you will have no trouble tying this Globe Knot.
In this article I have chosen to include the full in-depth tutorial along with the Adobe Acrobat tutorial for download.

This tutorial was created from a grid by Claude Hochet which was passed along to me by Matthias Agnello.
Scrolling through some of the knot design images that I have stored on my computer, I came across a photo of this design by JP Honeywell. I must have put it away and forgot about it and when I was tying some of the Globe Knot Cubes, it reminded me and I didn't even know it. At any rate, this is not an original design by me, but of JP.

Download the tutorial (right-click the hyperlink and select Save Link As… and then save it to a location on your hard drive).
To view the tutorial on your computer, you will need Adobe Reader which is available for free download.

•   Mandrel – Use what you have on hand, I used a wooden dowel wrapped with Polyethylene Foam Pipe Insulation.
•   32 Round Head Push Pins
•   Foam Cube – I purchased a block of foam from Wal-Mart in the projects section. The size needed will depend on the diameter of the cord used. I cut several different sizes and after some trial and error, I came up with a working size (1½ inches wide and 1-1/8 inches deep).
•   Cord – I used 15 feet of gutted Type III 550 Paracord
To find the proper placement of the push pins, you will need to use the Pin Placement chart located above. You will place four pins at each point on the mandrel, which will be sixteen pins at the top and sixteen at the bottom locations.

Starting at the top of the mandrel, label a point at the top (A). From point (A), insert four pins vertically and label them 1, 2, 3, 4 as shown in the image to the left.

Step 2-
Rotate the mandrel 90 degrees to the right of (A) and label this point (B). From point (B), insert four pins vertically and label these pins 1, 2, 3, and 4. Repeat this step for points (C) and (D), label the points and place pins at each location.

Step 3-
Rotate the mandrel to the middle of points (A) and (B) and label this point (A) at the bottom of the mandrel. From bottom point (A), insert four pins vertically and label these pins 5, 6, 7, 8 as shown in the image to the left.

Step 4-
Rotate the mandrel 90 degrees to the right of bottom point (A) and label this point (B). Place pins and label them 5, 6, 7 and 8. Repeat this step for points (C) and (D), label the points and place pins at each location.

Once you’ve placed all the pins and labeled each point, you’re ready to start tying the design. Follow the instructions below to determine where to place the cord.
Abbreviations Note: O means Over and U means Under. And when a letter with a number after it, the number is the pin number of the letter i.e. (A1) would mean location A and pin number 1.

Wrap a rubber band around the mandrel above the top pins and then insert the paracord underneath the rubber band above point (A).
  1. Starting from top point (A) run the cord to bottom point (C6), then up to the top point (A2).
  2. Starting from (A2) go to (C7).
  3. Starting from (C7) go to(A3).
  4. Starting from (A3) go to(C8).
  5. Starting from (C8) go to (A4).
  6. Starting from (A4) go to (B5).
  7. Starting from (B5) go O – U – O to (D1)
  8. Starting from (D1) go O – U – O to (B6).  
  9. Starting from (B6) go U – O – U to (D2).
  10. Starting from (D2) go U – O – U to (B7).
  11. Starting from (B7) go O – U – O to (D3).
  12. Starting from (D3) go O – U – O to (B8).
  13. Starting from (B8) go U – O – U to (D4).
  14. Starting from (D4) go U – O – U to (A5).
  15. Starting from (A5) go O – U – O – U – O – U – O to (C1).
  16. Starting from (C1) go U – O – U –O2 – U – O to (A6).
  17. Starting from (A6) go U – O – U – O – U – O – U to (C2).
  18. Starting from (C2) go O – U – O – U2 – O – U to (A7).
  19. Starting from (A7) go O – U – O – U – O – U – O to (C3).
  20. Starting from (C3) go U – O – U – O2 – U – O to (A8).
  21. Starting from (A8) go U – O – U – O – U – O – U to (C4).
  22. Starting from (C4) go O – U – O – U2 – O – U to (D5).
  23. Starting from (D5) go O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O to (B1).
  24. Starting from (B1) go U – O – U – O – U – O – U –O2 – U – O to (D6).
  25. Starting from (D6) go U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U to (B2).
  26. Starting from (B2) go O – U – O – U – O – U – O –U2 – O – U to (D7).
  27. Starting from (D7) go O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O  to (B3).
  28. Starting from (B3) go U – O – U – O – U – O – U –O2 – U – O to (D8).
  29. Starting from (D8) go U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U to (B4).
  30. Starting from (B4) go O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U to (C5).
  31. Starting from (C5) go O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O – U – O to (A1) and insert the cord underneath the loop at this point to complete the tying process.
Remove all the pins and slip the cord off the mandrel. Insert the cube inside the cord and start tightening around the core. It is best to tighten the cord in a series and not to try to tighten it completely in the first couple of tries.

When you are close to having the cube tightened completely you will need to remove the cord that you inserted underneath the loop in the final step on the mandrel, this will leave you with two cords free. Start working either end so that you will have the same amount of cord on both ends.

Once achieved, I chose to tie a Knife Lanyard Knot and made a loop by bringing the free end inside the Lanyard Knot and tightening.

I hope this tutorial will be helpful to you and that it's not written in too much knot speak so that everyone will be able to understand it. However, if you have any trouble please let me know if I can help. I would also like to hear from you on how I presented this tutorial and if it was easy to understand or could've been written differently.



  1. Thank you for the mention but this is not actually my design. I *may* be the first to do it in gutted paracord but I actually found this knot in Don Burrhus' Globe Knot Cookbook.


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