Tuesday, April 8, 2014


My first book is set to be released on April 15, enter now to win a free copy of the book.
If you are a fan of this blog and the projects that I have displayed, then you will really enjoy the book. Whether you're a beginner or advanced knot tyer, you will learn new techniques from this book. From some of my all-time favorite designs to many designs that have never been published with my own unique brand of showing the tying techniques.

There are two ways to win, which are described below.


  1. Go to Goodreads.com and register your profile, it's completely free of charge, all you will need is a valid email address.
  2. Once you've registered your account with GoodReads, click this link to enter: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18371464-crafting-with-paracord

This method is the simplest, but more copies are available using the previous method. NEW INFORMATION: A FEW SELECT WINNERS USING THIS METHOD WILL RECEIVE SIGNED COPIES OF THE BOOK!

  1. Share or Tweet this post using the buttons on the bottom of this post.
  2. Using the Comments section at the bottom of this post, submit a comment with your name and email address. Note: Your contact information is private and cannot be seen by others and will only be used for contacting you in case you have won.
That's it, on April 15, I will randomly draw names for the winners. Please make sure to follow the instructions carefully, your entry will be voided if the instructions have not been followed.

If you want to be sure to you receive the book as soon as it ships, preorder now from Amazon.

1 comment:

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to comment. I can usually reply to comments within a short period of time, in the mean time you might try searching Google and entering your question there, this usually works for me.

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