Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Unique Oblong Knot

The Oblong Knot is similar to the Chinese Cloverleaf Knot. I have been waiting for a practical use for this knot for quite awhile now and when I decided to "unique-ilize" my laptop backpack, it gave me just the situation I needed. I wanted to decorate the bag with zipper pulls and a Turk's Head handle. (Continued...)

 The easiest method of learning to tie this knot is to pin it out on a board following the diagram below. Note that in my example I cut and singed one end and made a loop and tucked it inside the inside the knot with the other, the original would have a strand on top and bottom. This is just another example of tweaking knots to fit your needs, I also tied a Chinese Cloverleaf zipper pull in this same manner.

Double-click the image to see the full size, you may want to print it out and pin your cord straight to the image.

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